#2 – Trinity Gift Package
beginning package, that is, God's gift(s) to mankind is God Himself.
He is beyond man's ability to fully describe Him. His written
inspired word about Himself only gives us pieces of Who and What He
is... only enough for us to desire Him and make His will our own.
limited human understanding of scripture, indicates that God is a
triune God. He is 3 persons in 1. Basically, God the Father is the
sovereign One. He has chosen a plan for God the Son (Jesus Christ)
and for God the Holy Spirit.
obedience to God the Father, Jesus Christ who made creation, and all
things, by His speech, took on the form and flesh of man. He became
our teacher and sinless blood sacrifice for the sins of mankind on
the Cross of Calvary.
the Father commissioned God the Holy Spirit to become our inner
teacher of Bible truths and applications. He further takes the
prayers of each man to the Heavenly Throne in words no man can utter.
first of our gift packages, like all those to follow, is not to be
divided. Whether we talk about Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit, or
God the Father – we must strive to think of them as being co-equal
and unity. Man's logic struggles with this 3 in 1, but that's the
package. [~]