#4 – Family Gift Package
Our third example we
list of God's gift packages, we'll call the Family package God
created man, in His image, but stated that it was not good for man to
be alone. (Gen. 2:18) So we remember that God created Eve. With that
creation act, God made man into a Family package. We see here, an
attribute of God Himself, copied into mankind – the critical
attribute of FELLOWSHIP.
The description of
that fellowship, of Adam and his spouse shows us a level of
partnering called 'help meet'. As his help meet, she possesses the
skills and strong points that Adam lacks. Likewise, her weak points
and missing skills are found in Adam. This relationship is so
crucial, God speaks of her as being an extension of Adam, himself.
They are one; one Family package – made in God's image.
We want to stay keenly
aware that each gift package we outline, is distinct from the others,
and progressively reveals more of the character/attributes of God for
us to learn, thereby making eternal fellowship with Him sweeter.
It would be well worth
the few extra minutes needed, to review the preceding gift packages
Trinity, Creation, and Family, to see what they've taught mankind
about God, … and what they have not.
But Something is Missing........