Chap #3 – Our Second Gift Package is Creation

Our second gift package from God we'll call the Creation Package, some may call it the Natural Revelation. This package of His creation includes rivers AND trees AND animals And etc. The thing to see is that all the parts of this Creation Package existed in harmony; in fellowship with each other. More than that, they all needed the abilities of the other. We can't imagine how the trees and grass could survive, if God hadn't also created the sun AND the rivers... and the birds and squirrels to scatter the seeds. See?
Our minds quickly begin a list of purposes for the Creation Package with providing food, shelter, and opportunities for service. We learn from Creation; from nature, principles that become the content of classes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Ecology, etc.
And more importantly, Creation certainly becomes a schoolmaster to man, of God's power, His ongoing control, and unity (fellowship). Above that, we gain a deeper understanding of God by walking among the trees, swimming in the lakes etc. Heaven's fellowship will be richer because we have tasted berries, peaches, drank the milk of cows and so much more. We've tasted His gifts from the inside, first hand.

The simple point here, is that God's gifts to us, yes, even the stormy days, comes as a package, better interconnected than a spider's web or a Robin's next, cradling her hungry newcomers to God's world.

They Are Without Excuse.
Another purpose of God's Creation Package is called the “Natural Revelation”. In his letter to the church at Rome, the apostle Paul answers a question that we still hear in our life and times. “What does God do, eternally, with those who've never heard the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ?”
Romans 1:20 tells us, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” Paul says the 'Creation Package' shows enough about God, that our hearts should burn to know this all-wise, all-powerful God and that I should put my faith and service in Him. Anyone that doesn't, is without excuse for salvation. [~]